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omc Mix06
omc Mix06

omc Mix06


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omc Mix06

omc Mix06


發布時間 2024-03-01


歌詞 動態歌詞

我們還有一次機會 We got one more chance
你不會明白的 You won’t understand
不會有遺憾 There will be no regret
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
(吉他破音開啟 Guitar Overdrive Unleashed)
(開瓶聲 Bottle-Opening Sound)
(倒啤酒聲 Pouring Beer Sound)
(口哨聲 Whistling Sound)
無目的出發 Head out to somewhere
我真的不在乎 I don’t really care
不回頭望 Never looking back
我不會後悔 I will not regret
幸好今天禮拜天 Thanks, God, it’s Sunday
交通暢行無阻 No more traffic jam
風吹斷歲月 Wind blows broken years
我不應該再猶豫 I should not hesitate
他正在處於叛逆期 He’s going through the rebellious stage
他又壞 He’s bad
又惡劣 He’s foul
還很不聽話 Disobedient
我從來沒有見過那麼邪惡的人 I never met someone who looks so devilish
來人啊 Oh fuck someone
殺了這婊子 Kill this bitch
還有一次機會 Still have a chance
我會用行動來證明 I will do some action
誰來告訴我 Someone tell me
我們還有一次機會 We got one more chance
你不會明白的 You won’t understand
不會有遺憾 There will be no regret
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
我們還有一次機會 We got one more chance
你不會明白的 You won’t understand
不會有遺憾 There will be no regret
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away

你是怎麼回事 What’s wrong with you
你不應該做出那種事情 You shouldn’t have done that
你這混蛋 You jerk
不準用那種態度和我講話 Don’t talk to me like that
你以為你是誰 Who do you think you are
馬上從我面前滾開 Just get out of my face
我真希望一輩子不認識你 I wish I had never met you
真是一團亂 What a mess
我受夠了 I’m sick of it
請你別再胡搞瞎搞 So please stop messing around
我們還有一次機會 We got one more chance
你不會明白的 You won’t understand
不會有遺憾 There will be no regret
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
我們還有一次機會 We got one more chance
你不會明白的 You won’t understand
不會有遺憾 There will be no regret
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
(哈雷機車聲浪 1980 Harley Sturgis Engine Start Sound)
已經有人和我說過了你又和我說一遍 Someone tell me this and now you tell me again
已經有人和我說過了你又和我說一遍 Someone tell me this and now you tell me again
已經有人和我說過了你又和我說一遍 Someone tell me this and now you tell me again
已經有人和我說過了你又和我說一遍 Someone tell me this and now you tell me again
已經有人和我說過了你又和我說一遍 Someone tell me this and now you tell me again
已經有人和我說過了你又和我說一遍 Someone tell me this and now you tell me again
我們還有一次機會 We got one more chance
你不會明白的 You won’t understand
不會有遺憾 There will be no regret
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
我們還有一次機會 We got one more chance
你不會明白的 You won’t understand
不會有遺憾 There will be no regret
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
還剩一次機會 One more chance
你不會懂 Understand
抓好 Take it
還是溜走 Slip away
我們還有一次機會 We got one more chance
你不會明白的 You won’t understand
不會有遺憾 There will be no regret
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
你會把握住 Are you gonna take it
還是讓它溜走 Or you'll let it slip away
還有一次機會 And we got one more chance
我們還有一次機會 And we got one more chance
(Mark XIX 上膛聲 Mark XIX Loading Sound)
(Mark XIX 槍擊聲 Mark XIX Gunshot Sound).

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