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Molly Lin

音樂人 台北市

Molly Lin以DJ Producer身份展現個人特色的音樂出口,同時,她也是House 風格樂團「妮可醬」的創作主腦/編曲/製作人,並與國際知名DJ Producer - Dj Fresh合作過幾首作品,創作能力Dj Fresh讚譽有加。她的創作力源源不絕,除了揉合UK Bass與 House外,UK Garage是她最重要且特有的風格,同時,她也精準地將自己優異詞曲創作能力嵌入不同風格的電子音樂中,這是DJ Producer中少見的。不僅僅是幕後創作,超過 15年的樂團/音樂行業經歷,讓她在DJ/電子樂器演出中,更能巧妙的掌握舞池脈動,渲染力十足。

After several years working as one of Taiwan's in-demand A&Rs as well as producer for electro house band NekoJam, Molly has recently established herself at the forefront of the local electronic music scene - a great opportunity to show Molly's endless creativity in several electronic music genres, such as "Future House", "UK Garage" and “DnB”. She is also a fantastic “Top Liner” /
“Lyricist”! She is good at adding catchy “hooks” and “top lines(melody)” into different electronic music genres. Her songwriting ability makes her dj sets full of energy and groovy, people also sing alone
and lose themselves with the music Molly drops.
Molly is currently resident DJ at Ce …

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