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Giant Brave
Giant Brave

Giant Brave

RockGiant Brave 龐然無懼

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DefeatTheGiant 擊倒巨人

  • Song of the Day

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發布時間 2014-02-11


Defeat The Giant – Giant Brave

Approaching straight to me.I trying to beg for peace.
But you never,you never compromise.
This is the last choice.A decision I unwilling to see.
You make me to do this.So don't regret!

Weak as I am,can't even hold another strike.
Do I have any chance to win?
Hope seemed faded,distinct and indistinct.
I'll keep my last breath.

Your arrogant defame.I against with meager strength.
Sacrifices are essential.But we are all ready to fight.
Let's wait and see.Without a doubt.
Collapse is your final chapter.

As giant as you,as brave as us.
Keep your ego and disdain.
Stand where you linger on.Stronger and stronger,we became fearless.

Ten knives you stabbed at me,eleven bullets I'll return to you.
I failed in the end.
But I still stroke you back.
The inerasable vestige you left.
The sign of courage I hold.
Let me tell you something,
"Retreat isn't my way,Courage is my only faith!"

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