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發布時間 2022-07-30




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歌詞 動態歌詞

I'll take you straight to the sun 让我带你飞向太阳
I'll take you straight to the sun 忘却伤痛
I'll take you straight to the sun 拥抱瞬间的永恒
I'll take you straight to the sun 直飞太阳的人

Just a common life, human life 平凡的生活 我们的生活
Full of ice and fire 热情冷漠 高低起落
No one can decide 有谁能够把握

You can soar or dive, ease your mind 翱翔天空 潜行汪洋 抚慰心灵
Tell me it’s alright 告诉我 一切安好
Won’t you dance with me tonight? 于分别的今夜 共我起舞

Another day and night, broken eyes 一个个白昼与黑夜 一双双破碎的眼
We can see no light 不见光明 亦不见
Stars shining in the sky 星斗闪烁

Just a common life, human life 平凡的生活 正是我们的生活
Leave your sorrow behind 请抛开所有伤悲
Guess I’ll meet ya next time 我们下次再会

(I promise) (请相信我)
I'll take you straight to the sun 让我带你飞向太阳
I'll take you straight to the sun 忘却伤痛
I'll take you straight to the sun 拥抱瞬间的永恒
I'll take you straight to the sun 直飞太阳的人

Just a common life, human life 平凡的生活 我们的生活
Full of ice and fire 热情冷漠 高低起落
No one can decide 没有人能够把握

You can soar or dive, ease your mind 翱翔天空 潜行汪洋 抚慰心灵
Tell me it’s alright 告诉我 一切安好
Won’t you dance with me tonight? 于分别的今夜 共我起舞

(I promise) (请相信我)
I'll take you straight to the sun 让我带你飞向太阳
I'll take you straight to the sun 忘却伤痛
I'll take you straight to the sun 拥抱瞬间的永恒
I'll take you straight to the sun 直飞太阳的人

I'll take you straight to the sun 让我带你飞向太阳
(Leave your sorrow behind) (请抛开所有伤悲)
I'll take you straight to the sun 忘却伤痛
(Guess I’ll meet ya next time) (我们下次再会吧)
I'll take you straight to the sun 拥抱瞬间的永恒
(Leave your sorrow behind) (请抛开所有伤悲)
I'll take you straight to the sun 直飞太阳的人
(Guess I’ll meet ya next time) (我们下次再会吧)

(I’ll take you) (让我们)
(I’ll take you to the sun) (我们一起飞向太阳吧)
(I’ll take you) (我们一定能)

I'll take you straight to the sun 我们一起飞向太阳
(Guess I’ll meet ya next time) (下次再会吧)
I'll take you straight to the sun 拥抱瞬间的永恒
(Leave your sorrow behind) (请抛开所有伤悲)
I'll take you straight to the sun 你我皆是 直飞太阳的人
(Guess I’ll meet ya next time) (在世界的尽头 再相见)

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