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黃麟堯 0yao

新竹市・於 2020 年 5 月 加入
  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 黃麟堯 0yao

麟堯 0yao 是一位創作歌手,其音樂風格融合了多種元素如民謠、R&B、流行等。他的歌聲充滿磁性,擅長以文字闡述想法、以旋律表達故事,盼每一位聆聽者都能深刻感受到他內心的真摯情感。


Huang Linyao (0yao) is a singer-songwriter whose music style blends various elements such as folk, R&B, and pop. His voice is magnetic, and he excels at articulating his thoughts through words and expressing stories through melodies. He hopes that every listener can deeply feel the genuine emotions within his heart.

He loves to experience life and enjoys observing and feeling the people and things around him in his small universe. These experiences become his inspiration and material for his creations. Through music, he expresses his rich inner world and seeks life goals.


生日:6 月 29 日