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C'mon baby
C'mon baby

C'mon baby

Rock十八 · 未滿

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發布時間 2019-06-19


詞/曲 蔡翔愷 盧易駿

V 張喬怡
EG 許柏宸 盧易駿
KB 蔡翔愷
B 呂彥欣
D 李亞駿

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A week ago, we met like we've already seen before
it's not your fault, that I crush on ya
you're beautiful, pretty like an wonderful angel
and now I know, you're the one I'm looking for

just don't be fear and come on my darling baby
I will treat you friendly like my dear dear dear homie
if someone pick on you I will give him shit
I'm the manliest man that you are always finding
c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon baby

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