C05_UnknownGrassland(未知的草原) Arrangement: Keaton Mixing: Keaton Mastering: SoundCloud Software: Cubase Pro 12 Creation Date: 2024/5/11 Theme: 在這片未知的草原上,居住個許多的小生物,他們共存、共榮、共同享受著環境。但是,無知的冒險者也踏上了這片地,掠奪資源,面目可憎。 In this unknown grassland, there are many small creatures living together. They coexist, prosper together, and enjoy the environment together. However, ignorant adventurers have also set foot on this land, plundering resources, and looking disgusting. PS: 這首是大學的時候走路哼出來的旋律 This is a melody I sang when I was walking in college