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3 月



Fuzzed Up | Fuzzy Wall+Electric Monk+Double Triple

Fuzzed Up | Fuzzy Wall+Electric Monk+Double Triple

2024 年 3 月 27 日 | 星期三 | 20:00


Double Triple・Electric Monk・Fuzzy Wall

1 位街聲音樂人


Fuzzy Wall, Electric Monk& Double Triple join hand to FUZZED UP this seemed ordinary but not quite Wed night! 400nt/with drink

— FuzzyWall —Fuzzy Wall is delighted to be back again at Revolver. Fuzzy Wall delivers a cocktail of energetic garage, rock, punk and indie songs that will rock you through the night! Featuring Charlie Storrar, Zoe Yeh, Marko Djurasic and His Highness the Great Von Taipei. Performance includes acclaimed original songs such as Game Face, Go! and the Red Hot Chili Peppers tribute California (Having Lots of Sex).

— Double Triple—Double Triple brings an interesting twist of indie rock, punk, anime songs, post rock and etc. We enjoy playing music, traveling, writing songs while cruising on scooter and hopefully transforming life's ups and downs into positive and energetic sounds. 音樂融合團員喜愛的英搖、龐克、動漫歌、後搖,喜歡玩音樂、吃熱炒、趴趴走、在旅途中創作,還有把生活中的開心與不開心化作滿滿正能量音符

— Electric Monk —"With influences including the Beatles, the bible, bad break-ups, and those dreams where you're, like, at school and realize there's a test you haven't studied for, Electric Monk makes loud punk/country/rock/whatever music for disaffected weirdos and hermaphroditic tables.

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