購票說明 Performance Information
時間 Time:2023.12.15 (Fri.) 19:00 入場
地點 Location:小巨蛋 附近的凝聚力音樂 Cohesion Space (105台北市松山區八德路三段106巷1號B1,小巨蛋站4號出口)
演出者 Performers:掉菸樂團Cigarfall, 香腸咆哮, Radior
只有一種票種 - 500含酒水,省去你選擇的麻煩(不喝酒可以拿去請路人喝交朋友)
You'll be registered once your remittance has been verified. Please provide your name, last 5 digits of bank account, email and phone number. We will notify you via email.
Price of ticket is 500 NT. There will be no physical ticket. The price of 500 NT includes one beverage.
如發現活動資訊需要修改,可嘗試 聯絡客服