UNITE VOLUME VI presents 3 bands representing genres of alternative rock, hip-hop, and blues/funk/jazz.
25th Parallel
Traveller 旅人
木工女孩 Craftsgirl
07/16 (Thurs.)
open: 19:30 / start: 20:00
door: 300(+1Drink)
25th Parallel
25th Parallel is the fusion of deep lyrical insight with a high-energy live band. With members from the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Taiwan, 25th Parallel brings a diverse, international style to the hip-hop scene. Founded in 2015 by members of the hip-hop collective ALL CAPS and alternative rock band Dress Shop, 25th Parallel’s takes inspiration from it’s roots in both genres. The band performs regularly at Revolver, and PIPE Live House in Taipei, and at festivals such as Spring Scream and BeastieRock. 25th Parallel’s debut album “The Dream” was released in October 2017 during a Taiwan concert tour.
[Web] www.25thparallelmusic.com
[Spotify] https://open.spotify.com/artist/2aadjh1Gv83XEzxF5Yoge2
[IG] https://instagram.com/25thparallel/
Traveller 旅人
比起沈溺在水中,青春的氛圍更令人窒息;音樂像是媚藥,上癮,無法自拔;因為音樂,而相遇而決定;要當五個平凡的人,做不平凡的事。Life is like a travel. We fight for survive, fight for dream together. We are Traveller.
[FaceBook] https://www.facebook.com/TravellerRock/
[Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/traveller_rock/
[Youtube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo0fjiaUD_Uzkdy1ChFMW_Q/videos
木工女孩 Craftsgirl
木工女孩成立於 2020 疫情爆發前夕。就算黑天鵝亂飛,我們還是擁抱熱情、自由自在,總能找到理由微笑。曲風從 Blues、Funk、Jazz、Rock 開始,用簡潔的鼓點、溫暖的鋼琴、圓滑的貝斯、騷包的電吉他、以及我們的大合唱,唱出我們用生命創作的樂句,和這個世界交媾。
【YouTube 頻道】https://pse.is/Q5F5G
【IG 唉居帳號】craftsgirlmusic | https://pse.is/R4ZK2
【Facebook 粉專】https://pse.is/S5L8Y
【街聲 StreetVoice】https://pse.is/RD2MF
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