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A.V. Mapping
A.V. Mapping

A.V. Mapping

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A.V. Mapping

A.V. Mapping


發布更新 2022-12-07


A.V. Mapping, an award-winning one-stop AI video music matching & licensing platform with SFX and audio editing, changing media, film & music industries. Prevent creators from being disappointed from low profits & tedious production process, A.V. Mapping finds the most suitable licensed music for videos with AI in seconds. Bringing money into creator economy.

AI is now leading creators to compete with AI. Holding the web3.0 competition between musicians & AI in film scoring. Web 3.0 Metaverse Film Music Concert:AI vs Musicians A new ways for creators to share their commercial videos and creations, or musicians' talents and influence.

Our platform makes it 95% faster to select music and buy the copyrights compared with other solutions. Right now we have over 100k songs in our library, the tech is working great, and we have 7,000 creators and 30 business contracts.


Web3.0 AI與音樂家影像配樂競賽,除了結合Web3.0, AR/VR/MR的影響力,更是縮短音樂家、創作者與觀眾之間的距離,結合人們身邊最親近的食衣住行育樂,由觀眾決定贏家、由樂迷與影迷決定自己的穿搭,更參考影視音明星的風格,更快速的成為我們最想成為的人。

全世界第一個獲得最佳紅點設計大獎(Best of the Best)的AI產品的台灣人、影像配樂家,創立 AI 聲音應用平台,另被譽為加州最有影響力CEO、登上美國國務院報導、進入全球她愛科技女性創業競賽的台灣女性領導者,並陸續獲得影像配樂與廣告的肯定。

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