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Flammable goods 易燃物

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發布時間 2018-06-25


This song will tell you about “Baby dream that never been done and seen suddenly
and not quite sure that future will be

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When I look into your eyes
I see the memmories
the dreadful memmories
Why fxxxing do you come back to me
and ask me if we can return
What fxxxing you see me is ?
I will never I will never
I'll never return to your world again
No more for my lust and I never will
No more for my lust and I will never
Now ! you have last chance to run away
I'll destroy and wash you away
I'll stay to look you live with suffering
First I'll take your heart out then eat it Oh I feel alive
No more for my trust and I will never
But all I thought it's just a baby dream
that never been done and seen suddenly
and not quite sure that future will be
Because I'm that baby who still love you

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