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08 Silverain
08 Silverain

08 Silverain


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the evening primrose 月見

發布時間 2016-05-01


now i'm standing alone
stand outside in the rain
when all my moonlight's gone
i can see nothing
now i'm standing alone
stand outside in the rain
when i know she's sinking
i kneel donw begging
beg for the rain
beg for the rain to wash away all the pain
silver rain, silver rain
can we dissolve the pain
in the rain, wash away
can we dissolve the pain away
when we're sinking
we keep on sinking
with the rain and flow away
now i'm standing alone
strangers keep on passing
when i heard her crooning
i would like to say
now i can't go

now i can't go away from her song
in the rain, silver rain......

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