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Silent Night in Shinjuku
Silent Night in Shinjuku

Silent Night in Shinjuku


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Silent Night in Shinjuku

Silent Night in Shinjuku

回聲樂團 Echo of Your Soul
回聲樂團 Echo of Your Soul

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2024-12-17


回聲樂團 Echo of Your Soul
2024 年末療癒單曲〈Silent Night in Shinjuku〉

一個人逛街,一個人唱卡拉 OK;一個人過聖誕節,一個人抱著自己入眠。愈是熱鬧擁擠的城市,寂寞就愈是震耳欲聾。然而每顆寂寞的靈魂其實都有可以回去的地方,那裡有摯愛的人和深深的擁抱。

〈Silent Night in Shinjuku〉是回聲樂團自去年正式重啟後的第四支全新單曲,延續先前的科幻隱喻,述說一個淒美浪漫的未來故事。貫串全曲的溫暖合成器聲,像是冬夜街道上閃動的燈光,描繪出安詳緩慢的畫面。呢喃般的歌聲,則像是眼前的幻影,在簡約沉穩的編曲中給予聽者溫柔療癒的力量。

Music Credit|

詞 Lyrics | 吳柏蒼 Pochang Wu
曲 Composer | 回聲樂團 Echo of Your Soul
製作人 Producer|吳柏蒼 Pochang Wu
演唱 Vocals | 吳柏蒼 Pochang Wu
電吉他 Electric Guitar | 羅尹均 Ian Luo
貝斯 Bass | 邱文彥 Wen Yen Chiou
鼓 Drums | 慕春佑 Chunyo Mu
合成器 Synth | 吳新逸 Shipy Wu
合聲 Backing Vocal | 吳柏蒼 Pochang Wu
混音 Mixing|程杰 Jay Cheng @Purring Sound Studio
錄音工程師 Recording Engineer | 趙宇晨 Asa Chao
封面設計 Cover 3D artist | 蔡弘翊 jonni Tsai

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歌詞 動態歌詞

Take a look around
ひとりカラオケ for you
Take a look around
Here’s only gasha and Pikachu
for you
It’s a silent lonely night in Shinjuku
There's nothing else to hide
Nothing to lose
Hold on
When you've got nowhere to stay
Hold on
you can just come home instead
Hold on
The world’s crumbling down
Hold on
We will still be around
Take a look around
ひとりカラオケ for you
Take a look around
Here’s only gasha and Pikachu
for you
It’s a silent lonely night in Shinjuku
There's nothing else to hide
Nothing to lose
Hold on
When you've got nowhere to stay
Hold on
you can just come home instead
Hold on
The world’s crumbling down
Hold on
We will still be around
Hold on
When you’ve got no words to say
Hold on
Go play some Radiohead
Hold on
When your AirPod is dead
Hold on
Just listen to what I say

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