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回聲樂團 Echo of Your Soul

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發布時間 2024-09-25



回聲樂團 Echo of Your Soul

〈Amazon〉作為回聲樂團宣告他們自 2015 年休團、經歷各自人生轉折、偶爾零星的發行與表演後,再次正式蓄積能量,回到聽眾面前的重啟之歌。在知名製作人韓立康協助下,這首以亞馬遜原始叢林為名的歌曲,放射懷舊直率的搖滾吉他聲響,勾勒出一群未來科技嬉皮在未知而野蠻的新世界生存的樣貌。如今回望他們出道成名曲〈感官駕馭〉的歌詞,彷彿預告了這一切的發生,雖然少了一份少年愁,不變的是對於人性和世事的真誠思索。

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歌詞 動態歌詞

Maybe it’s the time
To plug us into world of heaven now
Maybe it’s the time
To free the pain and all disasters
Comfortably numb
Just put your plastic goggle on
Lucy’s flying high
with electrode implanted up against the sky
I think I got the feeling oh no
A great escape from ill and suffering
To live a life you’ve always wanted
I think I got the feeling oh no
No matter our planet keeps on burning
Sharing the world we can imagine
Maybe it’s the time
To plug us into world of heaven now
Maybe it’s the time
To free the pain and all disasters
Comfortably numb
Just put your plastic goggle on
Lucy’s flying high
with electrode implanted up against the sky
I think I got the feeling oh no
A great escape from ill and suffering
To live a life you’ve always wanted
I think I got the feeling oh no
No matter our planet keeps on burning
Sharing the world we can imagine
I think I got the feeling oh no
It would be good to be alive
with expectations all aligned
I think I got the feeling oh no
oh no
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the
I think I got the feeling

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