dropp - 現旅居於美國灣區,孕育且成長於霪雨霏霏、青山遠黛的蘭陽平原,作品常以懷舊、情緒性旋律搭配低傳真大鼓小鼓形式互相共存。其創作靈感及基底影響除了來自早期二〇〇〇年Hip-Hop/R&B之外,還包括八〇/九〇年代動畫及電玩音樂原聲帶OST,進而生成其懷舊感性世界觀。創作風格主要以Sample取樣手法為主,大部份作品都以重新詮釋取樣源、自我感受轉化後之情緒為主軸,音樂風格則自定義為以Hip-Hop為主框架衍伸的次風格Lo-Fi Mellow及Soulhop。
dropp - currently based in the Bay Area, born and raised from rainy Lanyang Plain scenery from Taiwan, dropp is a beatmaker who curates nostalgic melody combined with dusty lofi kicks and snares. Heavily influenced by early 2000s Hip-Hop and R&B, along with 80’s/90’s animation and video game OST, dropp shaped his nostalgic worldview. Mainly used sampling technique, most of his production works are based on re-sampling—after digesting and self-evolving, his works are usually self-identified as sub-genre: Lo-Fi Mellow and Soulhop within the main influence of Hip-Hop.