這首歌在講述生命的自我實現過程。我們把人生比擬作一直在爬山,音樂中迴盪著我們不斷的朗誦著保羅・高更的《我們從何處來?我們是誰?我們向何處去?》,彷彿祭祀般,鼓聲如同胎動,我們不斷地行走、不斷地脫胎換骨、不斷死亡與重生——我們心中有一個神,而我們相信,總有一天能夠到達山頂。 This song is about the process of self-realization in life. We compare life to an endless climb up a mountain, with the music echoing our constant recitation of Paul Gauguin’s Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?. It feels almost like a ritual, with the drums pulsating like the heartbeat in the womb. We keep walking, continuously shedding old skins, dying, and being reborn—there …