DJ Apple 中文名易紘,來自台灣台北,擅長播放各式techno、house和indie dance音樂。足跡遍佈亞州各大City,音樂風格深受這些城市的啟發。Apple用音符編織起的節奏,就像是一場充滿活力的旅行,讓你的身體和靈魂一起跳躍。無論是在炙熱的舞池還是在冷清的地下派對,apple的音樂總是能夠讓人忘記壓力,沉浸在無盡的音樂魅力中。
With 25years of experience and still counting, DJ @pple continues to fervently dedicate his life and his music to the entire global community. Originally from Taiwan, DJ @pple is very well known for his superior ability at remixing and revving up the crowd.DJ @pple also has much experience performing with other world renowned DJ’s such as Carl Cox, Wink Adam Freeland and many more. British Techno master, Carl Cox praised DJ @pple as being the most skilled DJ in Asia.
In 2013, DJ @pple brought his passion for music, experience and expertise to Shanghai. He hopes to be a big part of the movement that introduces China to the thrilling experience of party culture!