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Don't break my heart again!
Don't break my heart again!

Don't break my heart again!


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Don't break my heart again!

Don't break my heart again!


發布時間 2022-12-08


〈Don’t break my heart again!〉是 Dena 在分手後經歷了在音樂製作公司幕後工作兩年磨練下,首度親自參與編曲與製作的全創作英文單曲。她把女孩們快要不相信愛情,自暴自棄,卻還是握著一絲希望的心境,用自己做出來的音樂,自己寫出來的歌詞,貼切的記錄了下來。想要跟『愛情』大聲的說『不准你在傷了我的心了!』。

讓美國新生代創作巨星 Lauv 、加州樂團 LANY,以及百萬 Youtuber 阿翰都驚艷不已的寶藏女孩「Dena 張粹方」,是少數會經營自媒體,又會寫、會彈會編曲與音樂製作的全方位創作藝人。除了自身頻道今年入圍走鐘獎外,曾在康熙被蔡康永誇擁有「很高級的聲音」,幕後實力更是受業界的肯定,其中創作有收錄在「楊丞琳」、「林俊傑」、「弦子」等資深歌手近期專輯中,被網友稱為台灣最值得期待的寶藏女孩。年初也與新生代流量歌手「陳忻玥」一起發行的〈Hold Me Tight〉創破百萬觀看與收聽佳績外,馬上要發行首度親自編曲的全創作英文單曲〈Don’t break my heart again!〉 準備好用更純熟的 Dena 式曲風來陪伴單身的人過一個孤單到爆的冬季啦??!

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歌名: Don’t break my heart again! 不准你再傷了我的心了!
詞曲: Dena張粹方

It’s getting colder
and the sun sets earlier I gotta admit
i’m kind of depressed

all my single girlfriends
found a guy to spend the season
and i’m alone
it’s been so long

since the last time i felt so warm
hey family and friends
they still hold a special place in my heart
but can’t compare
the touch of your hand
but now you’re dead ?

so now i’m just gonna lie here and stay in my bed
cus i don’t know what i’ll do if i go out instead
i swear if i see another guy i like
I'll punch him and tell him “don’t break my heart again!”

the other day i decided to
do something i would never do
called up a stranger
she said october
i’ll meet the love of my life

but 17 days have gone by i still don’t see a sign
guess i’m gonna be alone for the rest of my life

so now i’m just gonna lie here and stay in my bed
cus i don’t know what i’ll do if i go out instead
i swear if i see another guy i like
I'll punch him and tell him “don’t break my heart again!”

here goes another winter without
someone to hold my hand in the crowd
like i’m hopelessly hoping for rain in this drought
finding out
that you’re never coming around

so now i’m just gonna lie here and stay in my bed
cus i don’t know what i’ll do if i go out instead
i swear if i see another guy i like
i’ll cross my fingers and hope that he likes me the same

and then we’ll just gonna go out and walk in the rain
while i forget about all the past traumas and pain
i swear if i, see another guy i like
i’ll kiss him and tell him “don’t break my heart again!”

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