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deinovore (恐象)

於 2023 年 6 月 加入
  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 deinovore (恐象)

泥沼金屬樂團,雙貝斯跟鼓,沒有吉他。淤泥般的 riff 與掙扎的敲鼓帶來被恐龍或河馬活吞的感受,窒息的慘狀用廣東話與英文嘶吼出。

Sludgy bass-driven vore-rock outfit featuring two bass players and a drummer. Slow crushing riffs and anguished beats evoke the struggle of being swallowed alive by a dinosaur or hippo, with the inevitable suffocation expressed in Cantonese and English lyrics.