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She's Fine
She's Fine

She's Fine

AlternativeCorn for Two

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Corn on My Dinner Plate

發布時間 2020-05-10


She tells me that she's fine
She says this happens all the time
And if not for her own sake
Why does her mind remain opaque?

But I know she
Loves me
Wait until you see
That one day we two will be
All alone

And I know while I'm away
her heart will find a brighter day
And I know if not today
Well we will find another way

For I know she
Loves me
Wait until you see
That one day we two will be
All alone

And I know she
Loves me
Wait until you see
That one day we two will be
All alone in my own head

They've come to me
I've seen my guide

I know them now
I know my god

I've seen them here
I've seen my guide

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