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Bus back home/南區
Bus back home/南區

Bus back home/南區


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Bus back home/南區

Bus back home/南區

Chickenmau Chang
Chickenmau Chang

發布時間 2013-05-22


一見鍾情的濃烈愛戀 礙於現實隔閡 雖欲遠渡重洋打破僵局 結束半個地球之遙的旅程


事過境遷 該是放下 輕鬆面對過去 微笑展開新的未來

歌曲充滿熱帶渡假風情 帶來新的心情 新的旅程

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Since I kiss you, I couldn't stop loving you.
Even you told me don't you never ever fell for you.
I tear down my diary about you, besides the part of my heart.

I walked by the cloud and sea.
walked by the dark night street.
walked by the sleeping subway.

Cross the river I will get your love.
Hold you on the bus back home.
It's snowing when you miss me.

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