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Nicotine Chocolate
Nicotine Chocolate

Nicotine Chocolate


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Nicotine Chocolate

Nicotine Chocolate


發布時間 2022-08-05


作曲 Composer:BRADD,Piers Gopsill
作詞 Lyricist:BRADD,Piers Gopsill
製作人 Producer:Piers Gopsill


新生代唱作人BRADD夥同製作鬼才Piers Gopsill,最新單曲〈Nicotine Chocolate〉在吸吐之間享受稍縱即逝的愛撫。在Alternative R&B和Contemporary Blues的弛放律動裡頭,BRADD將自身溫柔炙熱的音樂靈魂,無可救藥地傾吐揭露。我知道回不了頭,也清楚只有轉瞬的溫存,但就讓我浸身於閉上雙眼的片刻。妳是我無法戒除的癮,不經意間留存在手指上的味道,是妳曾伴於身側的證明。

在〈Nicotine Chocolate〉中後段的變奏,強勁的鼓組節奏和銷魂的貝斯搭配,BRADD把內心的焦慮和躁動毫無保留地釋放。既然妳已然不在,我還有什麼人生可以期待?若是花樣年華燒盡,妳的面容僅可留在我的腦海。我用盡全力去記起,伸手想抓住竄出指尖的煙霧。你的愛有賞味期限,事到如今,誰先開口都無所謂了。

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Drag me down and kiss me!
Drag me down and kiss me!
Drag me down and kiss me!
Drag me down and kiss me!

Wasted your love,
It won’t waste anymore
Wish there was an angel,
Sat up on my shoulder

Somebody said, “What you love’s what you love!”
Somebody’s high on their horse up above!
Smoking those Casters will mess with your touch!

Drag me down and kiss me!
Drag me down and kiss me!
Drag me down and kiss me!
Drag me down and kiss me!

She got me numb,
To my fingers and toes
(I need you girl and I need you now!)
Obsessed and devoted,
To all that you know
(Show me the heaven you know!)

Oh won’t you love me again?
(Just love me again!)
Oh won’t you call me sometime?
(Just call me tomorrow!)
Press your lips to my skin baby!
(Kiss me baby!)
Won’t you breathe me your last?

Drag me down and kiss me!
Drag me down and kiss me!
Drag me down and kiss me!
(Kiss me and love me, ooh!)
Drag me down and kiss me!

What’s on your mind?
Take my free love!
Hold my hand and just start again!
Hold my hand and just start again!
I don’t understand,
How to feel love!
Hold my hand as we reach the end!
Hold my hand as we reach the end!

(‘Til the dawn of my love!
Don’t let it break your heart!)

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