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What's Your Story?
What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?


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What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?

洪比利 Billy Walshaw
洪比利 Billy Walshaw

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2024-06-05


This song is talking about the social media generation, with all the technology bringing us a click away from enlightenment... or destruction what really is your story and what is our connection?

Music and Lyrics by 洪比利 Billy Walshaw

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So what’s your story?
What’s our connection?
Could we make the solution tonight?
One click is instant
It brings me quite surely
to the mad and fake news glorified

So keep us posted on all your thrills and victories
Draw up a scene keep me in the reel of things tonight
Sad is he who laments openly and
Cry will he who speaks his mind
Sad is he who laments openly and
Cry will he who speaks his mind
He's gonna cry cry cry.

Let’s create a happening
Invite a lot of people
We’d spread the word out far and wide
So what’s your story?
Were you treated poorly?
Presented to the world and mortified

So keep us posted on all your thrills and victories
Draw up a scene keep me in the reel of things tonight
Sad is he who laments openly and
Cry will he who speaks his mind
Sad is he who laments openly and
Cry will he who speaks his mind
He's gonna cry cry cry.

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