Quiet nights of quiet stars
Quiet chords from my guitar
Floating on the silence that surrounds us
Quiet thoughts and quiet dreams
Quiet walks by quiet streams
And a window that looks out on Corcovado
Oh how lovely
This is where I wanna be
Here with you so close to me
'Till the final flicker of life's ember
I, who was lost and lonely
Believing life was only
A bitter, tragic joke have found with you
The meaning of existence, oh, my love
Quiet nights 'n quiet stars
Quiet chords from my guitar
Floating on the silence that surrounds us
Quiet thoughts 'n quiet dreams
Quiet walks by quiet streams
Climbing hills where lovers go to watch the world below together
We will live eternally in this mood of reverie
Away from all the earthly cares around us
I, who was lost and lonely
Believing life was only
A bitter, tragic joke have found with you
The meaning of existence, oh, my love
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