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07 iThankYou
07 iThankYou

07 iThankYou


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07 iThankYou

07 iThankYou


發布時間 2014-10-15


賈伯斯,人類歷史的推進者。若沒有他就沒有 Wi-Fi、PC 與智慧型手機。做音樂這回事,也會完全不同。「他的離開,讓我有種失去老朋友般的失落。」康小白打破樂壇賣座淺規則,以溫柔之情,獻上悼念天才誠心之作。

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Hello dear Mr. Jobs, I know you don’t know me.
But I have some words from my heart for you.
Hope you don’t mind I wrote into melody.

I could not imagine how my days would have been if I didn’t bite the fruit you brought to me.
It’s gonna be extremely awful, boring…

iThankYou for this better world, for this better life.
It wouldn’t be so cool if we don’t have you in the age.
Some say you ain’t human, some say you’re alien,
I say you’re lonely genius born to correct history.

iThankYou for the great ideas, for the perfection.
It’s hard to say goodbye, hope you enjoyed this journey.
Though you flew into clouds, way too far from the Earth, but you’re never gone, my dear old friend.

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