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15 首歌

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專輯發行時間 2023-01-01
建立於 2024-08-07


從開場至covid-19一曲後安排演奏曲作為轉折的巧思,及末曲在本土B級電影哭悲相互作用下產生的ambient synth作為fade out,以grind特色精悍曲式及各種自由包容度呈出一份含有爽度/旋律性/聆聽樂趣,但整體氛圍卻十分沉重的world reference主題專輯.

This year the Taiwan-rooted extreme grindcore/death metal band Ashen just drops the new release with unprecedentedly stylish and over the par songwriting haze. Ashen's mastermind Bruce refuses being constraint by prosaic songwriting cliche that stagnates innovations and sparks of creativity, but returns with brand new level of ultimate devotion to be revered in extreme metal genre acme. Accompanied by the new 4 pieces line-up and novel creativity, Ashen lacerates death-like silence, incinerates the grand pyre of ignorance with insurmountable brutality. This heavy loading of prowess of musicality along with the combination between sci-fi schemes and humanity confliction to impose incessant criticism of downfall of the lunatic civilization. Human race is facing the inevitable corruption that tolls the bell of post-apocalyptic devastation.

Opening up with Covid-19, the instrumental work follows subsequently to smoothly varies the sonic experiences from ferocious outbreak to hellish astonishing. Traveling through the whole album that dedicates to the inturbulance of all sorts of chaos incubated by this unrequited society, we reach the journey's end, finalizing by the ambient synth work, which mingles the senses of craziness and outrageous grieving out of the movie The Sadness. As the sounds fade to nothingness, far away from what might behold, through the currency of grieving and uneasiness we glimpse the emptiness that destined to come after all sorts of malignant raptures and clawing ambitions…

With World Reference scene that features the topic of this album, tracks out of the album demonstrate multitude of aspects that grindcore genre could embody, encompass uncompromised heaviness, versatile melodies, unprecedented sonic experiences.

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