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Body Electric
Body Electric

Body Electric

AlternativeREEFS 珊瑚礁

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Body Electric

Body Electric


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發布時間 2019-03-22


And so I sing
With something is beating in it
Prejudiced scenes
Even if that erode the body
So I put on a lipstick, and the colors on me
How you dare to take off them

They said no, y'all can't do so
The ring was taken off
They don’t tell, and we know so
Our bodies are we owned
They said no, y'all can't do so
The road was blocked off
They don’t tell, and we know so

So I ink all of my skin, and the colors you see
How you dare to take off them

They said no, y'all can't do so
The ring was taken off
They don’t tell, and we know so
Our bodies are we owned
They said no, y'all can't do so
The road was blocked off
They don’t tell, and we know so

*Front of my chest, between the legs
Through my body electric
There’re no tales in the pants
Sing the body electric
Front of my chest, between the legs
Through your body electric
Body electric

And so I sing
With something is beating in it
Prejudiced scenes
Even if that erode the body

All the stories
Bloodshot eyes
No one be sorry
Hold we tight

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