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An-Ting 安婷

其他・於 2023 年 12 月 加入
  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中



Black-collared Starling 烏領椋鳥 (Hong Kong) demo

Black-collared Starling 烏領椋鳥 (Hong Kong) demo

An-Ting 安婷

2023年,我由英國啟程,經蒙古、四川、香港到台灣,錄下各地不同鳥兒鳴叫的聲音,透過音樂傳達我對自然聲音的感受。 在香港的時候,遇到了烏領椋鳥,在城市裡和各式噪音爭艷。 它們是不是白天來城市,晚上住森林?我好想有一天也這樣沒有邊際地,在自然和城市裡穿梭來回。 Travelling from the UK, through Mongolia, Sichuan and Hong Kong in 2023, I have recorded bird songs as the musical expression of the environments they found themselves in. When passing by Hong Kong, I ran across grey-collared starlings, creating particularly loud calls that compete with various city noises. Do they work in the city during the day and live in the forest during the night? I hope …