This song is dedicated to love.
(pop version)
So here I am now
Watching you from a distance and hearing your sound
Frozen somehow
Stunning by your beauty and your aroma around
Watching you smile, spinning my head now
Forgot the time flies beyond
You take a glance at me
Electronic runs through me
I can’t feel anything right now
Lost in the moment, my heart beats for you
Like a drum in the silence, it’s all I can do
I want to say love out loud
Tell you how much I want you around
Whisper to you now
You’re my hope and my muse for now
So here you are now
Watching me from a distance and meeting my gaze
Flutter somehow
Amusing by my shyness and my whisper sound
Watching me smile, spinning your head now
Forgot the time flies beyond
I take a glance at you
Electronic runs through you
You can’t feel anything right now
Lost in the moment, your heart beats for me
Like a drum in the silence, it’s all you can do
You want to say love out loud
Tell me how much you want me around
Whisper to me now
I’m your hope and my muse from now
We can make this a moment of truth, a moment of vulnerability, and true
Feel so exclude
Like there’s only me and you
I want to say love out loud
Tell you how much I want you around
Whisper to you now
You’re my hope and my muse for now
There’s nothing I can do without you
I am standing right here and telling you the truth
The moment when I first saw you
Is the time I fall in love with you
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