這首歌主要是在傳達第一次戀愛以及你找到了另一半的感覺。戀愛是一個豐富、完美但又怕受傷害的經驗,尤其是第一次戀愛。描寫著一個人戀愛中感覺到的豐富心情,還有表達這些心情的五味雜陳。這種戀愛經驗的必經過程,我們都曾經擁有,在那時刻,所有愛包圍著你,那就是這首歌要帶給你的心情 - Niya This song is about falling in love for the first time and feeling like you have found your person. First love can be both a scary and beautiful journey. This song is about all the things you feel during what many would call “the honeymoon phase,” and how it can be hard to express those powerful feelings. The emotions completely absorb you in those moments, and that …