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Lady D
Lady D

Lady D

RockPaper Crane

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Lady D

Lady D


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發布時間 2012-06-09


Thank you Lady D
everything's coming along nicely
if you would only drop in for a moment for some tea

Lady D has come today
with important things to say
she would like to tell you now
but she can't remember how
and something over there grabs her attention ::snap::
the slightest noise leaves her lost with no direction ::snap::
on a bicycle!

Thank you Lady D
everything's coming along nicely
if you would only drop in for a moment here with me

Lady D goes into school
and the school goes to the dogs
and the dogs go to the pound
and the pound just lets them out!
And that's when something happens to remind her ::snap::
she'd come to tell you about something unrelated ::snap::
she thought of yesterday

But Lady D can see colors and visions
and though she acts a bit differently
she's ok with me
People say she has bad intentions
but the people refuse to see things as they really are
until its far too late...

Thank you Lady D
everything's coming along nicely
if you would only drop in for a moment for some tea
so I can thank you for the things you've given me
such value to take in all the world and let it be

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