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於 2012 年 5 月 加入
  • 音樂


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關於 Walri

Walri? It's the question everyone's asking.
And the answer is yes.
Q: 蝦咪?你們團名叫Walri?
A: 沒錯!就是有兩隻大大牙齒的海象Walri。
Walri is a downright exciting rock band with a gloriously diverse sound in Rochester, New York, with their unforgetable melodies, tight harmonies, and infectious beats. Walri brings extraordinary tunes and unshakable live playing everywhere they go. Labeling their unique sound can be difficult since they incorporate 60's Retro Pop, 70's Funk, Jazz and Brazilian Bossa Nova, and modern Rock and Roll. But don't worry, just call it "Love-Rock" like their fans already do.
Walri 帶著他們容易上癮的旋律、扎實的合音、難忘的節奏以及堅強的live實力於Rochester, NY發光發熱。除了定期在他們的家鄉Rochester演出,Walri也會不定時前往Boston, New York, Chicago, Burlington, Syracuse, 和 Buffalo 巡迴。Walri 音樂元素混搭著美國60年代的Retro Pop、70年代的放克Funk、紐澳良的爵士、巴西的Bossa Nova 還有現代的搖滾樂。Walri 也直接簡稱自己的Style為"Love-Rock"。
