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舞思愛 Usay Kawlu

台北市・於 2020 年 9 月 加入
  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 舞思愛 Usay Kawlu

全方位原民創作才女 舞思愛 Usay Kawlu,30年的使命與歌聲像是吸飽養分的種籽,終於在疫情閉關中轉化成源源不絕的創作能量,全新作品如堅韌的藤蔓,在她的創作裡能聽見30年來的養分,音樂風格獨特並具國際感,將傳統與流行完美的結合,終在動盪的21年底破土而上。
Usay Kawlu has accumulated all her passion for the calling as a seed, she took the advantage of being lock down due to the Covid-19, she converted all her power of creativity into this brand new album. This new album is as strong as vine, you can actually recognize this refined vitality and energy from past 30 years. The style of her music is unique and has a sense of internationality, she perfectly combined the pop and traditional elements, finally broke through the soil this year.

發行首張專輯《那葡萄樹上的女孩 The Girl On The Grapevine》,以原民音樂描繪一個都市女孩尋找自我原根的旅程。專輯內每首曲目設計如舞台劇章節,以傳統又新穎的音樂風格作為聽覺場景,故事劇情如葡萄藤蔓交織貫穿其中。是這位在都市闖蕩的阿美族女孩 舞思愛 將30年來累積的文化使命、音樂養分、舞台經驗匯集而成的一部原創奇幻大作。
《那葡萄樹上的女孩 The Girl On The Grapevine》以舞思愛空靈、溫暖且充滿能量的歌聲,縫合傳統古謠與新穎樂風如Lofi、舞曲、世界音樂,並完美結合弦樂與打擊聲響如電影配樂般完整聽覺畫面,透夠豐富而磅礴的聽感引導各位進入舞思愛內心的奇幻世界。
