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Roche Limit
Roche Limit

Roche Limit

Post rockSOWAL

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Roche Limit

Roche Limit

Triple Deer
Triple Deer

發布時間 2025-03-21


作曲 Composer : 沈品嫺/陳東青
作詞 Lyrics : 沈品嫺
編曲.演奏 Arranger.Performer : Triple Deer

主唱.貝斯 Vocal.Bass : 沈品嫺 Miko
合成器 Synth : 曾劭軒 Curtis/陳東青 Ognam/陳大慶 Ral Chen
電吉他 Guitar : 陳東青 Ognam/楊詠淳 VITZ
鼓 Drums : 王鳳翔 Vino
小提琴 Violin:林伯宇 Peter Lin (@涵都盧弦樂製造所 Handle Strings)
弦樂編寫 Strings Arranger:曾劭軒 Curtis

製作人 Producer : 陳大慶/楊詠淳/陳東青
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer : 蕭戎雯 Coco Hsiao
主要錄音師 Vocals Recording Engineer:李詠恩 Joshua Lee/劉又熊 Liu Yu Hsiung
主要錄音室 Vocals Recording Studio:荒原錄音室 Wasteland Studio
人聲錄音師 Vocals Recording Engineer:劉又熊 Liu Yu Hsiung
人聲錄音室 Vocals Recording Studio:荒原錄音室 Wasteland Studio
吉他 & 合成器錄音師 Guitar & Synths Recording Engineer:Ral
吉他 & 合成器錄音室 Guitar & Synths Recording Studio:Line In Studio
音訊編輯工程師 Audio Editing Engineer:顧孟堯/Ral/VITZ
混音師 Mixing Engineer:李詠恩 Joshua Lee
混音錄音室 Mixing Studio:Wasteland Studio
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer:Dave Cooley
母帶後期錄音室 Mastering Studio:Elysian Masters

阿美族語編譯 Amis Language Edit & Translation:沈品嫺
阿美族語顧問 Amis Consultant:江阿妹

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Romadiway, makeroay
Romadiway, makeroay

Ma’ilolay to kiso ko tafok no riyal haw ?

Makapahay ko folad to dadaya
Makapahay ko folad to dadaya

Tahanini cowa ka tawal ako ko ’ayaway a 'orip
Dadaya Dadaya mitotom to namal ko miso

Tahanini cowa ka tawal ako ko ’ayaway a ‘orip
Ano tayni ho kiso i, mahemekay to kako

Romadiway, makeroay
Ma’ilolay to kiso ko tafok no riyal haw ?

Romadiway, makeroay
Ma’ilolay to kiso

Romadiway, makeroay
Ma’ilolay to kako

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