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音樂人 基隆市

Goober Gun….Instant rock melodies delivered straight to your ear.

Not to fear - Goober Gun is here

​100% tested on humans, Goober Gun’s brand of tunefulness, guitar aerobatics and angelic harmonies has wooed consumers the world over. From Europe to South America, Asia and the US, Goober Gun has lifted the stains on stages all over the world.

The sights, sound and smell of Goober Gun in full flight is a must for any self respecting housewife. That’s right, every night is Saturday night, as soon to be rock classics such as ‘One Bad Heart’, ‘1979’, ‘Monster’ and ‘On The Beaches’ pop, crackle & fizz their way onto your shopping list.

Goober Gun is an award winning product - Having picked up the …

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