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The Tunas

韓國・於 2025 年 3 月 加入
  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中



The Tunas - Luna, Dance Floor/月神, 舞池

The Tunas - Luna, Dance Floor/月神, 舞池

The Tunas

The deepening love is likened to a couple dancing on a warm beach beneath a red-tinted sky and sea. As they dance, the beautiful night sky becomes a spotlight illuminating them, and the whole world feels as if it exists solely for them. Imagine this as you listen. Let’s dance together, under the moonlight that shines on us. 深深的爱犹如一对情侣在温暖的沙滩上跳舞,头顶是染成红色的天空和海洋。他们随着舞步翩然起舞,美丽的夜空成为照亮他们的聚光灯,整个世界仿佛只为他们而存在。聆听时请将这样的画面想象在心中。 让我们一起在照耀我们的月光下跳舞吧。