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Out of Love
Out of Love

Out of Love

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Out of Love

Out of Love


發布時間 2017-08-02


The song is about a girl who finds out her guy has been in love with his ex the whole time,
and feels captured in the emptiness of his love. She wants to leave him but can't find any how.

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don't feel the same the way u kissed me
I try to leave u but no I can't
the way u look at me like there's sth u'd like to confess
I'd like to know it but I'm too afraid

still remember the first day that we met
swirling doors and cigarettes
and u had me believe ure someone I'd understand
and all u do know is leaving me in a mess

I should've known better
when ur kissing me ur thinking of her
ur using me as a shelter for ur broken heart

this is me begging u now
to set me free from ur empty love
cos I'm a prisoner in a place out of love


should've turned u down at first
so i wouldn't have been so hurt
and it'd be best if u just pack and get out of here
than to keep ur secret and see it go any worse

i know there's a girl before I came around and ur so in love
and u got broke up and we're almost drowning
I was there to save ur life

you were thanking me
u thought ur in love again
and u had me believe so too
but it wasn't love
cos u can't get her out of ur mind


so please stop pretending ur still in love with me
all u did was remaining me in a pain
ur kiss tastes patronizing I don't need it
so please release me from ur empty love


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