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Another Half
Another Half

Another Half

10 首歌

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Another Half

Another Half


專輯發行時間 2023-08-21
建立於 2023-08-22


“Another Half” is just like the new chapter of Soft Pine. The new ideas of composing, arranging, songwriting and recording techniques pushed us to expand and break through their comfort zone to get something new. This album involves psychedelic harmony, ecstatic sound and euphoric color while the energetic rhythm part will get you grooving throughout the whole album. More energetic, euphoric, cheerful, loved, heartwarming and playful energy.

Another Half’s lyrics of personal experience are more relatable to everyone. Alongside the melodic melody in vocal and attractively detailed musical parts, each track explores a different aspect of realization,emotion and relationship. Overall, the album is very honest and delicate, passing smoothly into one another with variations of beats and tempo.

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