Sail Your Mind into Keelung Harbor(基隆)
詞 大國Gordon Tseng 作曲編曲演唱/大國小雪Sharon & Gordon
Sail your moods into the harbor and feel them there.
Days come and go by the wooden square.
Those saxophones may let you remember to stare
At the clouds wandering above the island’s lush green hair.
Sail your mind into the harbor and see them there.
Travelers come and go by the wooden square.
There are always ships on the sea and eagles in the air,
Longing for you, sailors, who have stories to share.
If you want to fly like a kite
And get the heavy city lives out of sight,
Try the shining cruise moving into the night
Over the starfish, under the starlight.
Pass through the tunnels again and again.
Just come to the harbor by bus or train.
Free your dreams from the dull grey chain.
Have a cup of leisure in the white sunshine or rain.
(原詩來自大國Gordon Tseng的英文四行詩集GOD BLESS NOT ONLY AMERICA)
Jeffrey Chu 的音樂創作區
新照片也很不錯,因為都有戴安全帽。不是啦,是真的照得不錯喔! 哈哈哈
Jeffrey Chu 的音樂創作區
不錯喔~ 聽了也覺得很手癢,哈