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Pain And Pleasure
Pain And Pleasure

Pain And Pleasure

JazzThe Make

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Pain And Pleasure

Pain And Pleasure

令晴 Lynn
令晴 Lynn

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發布時間 2024-07-28


歌詞以外面正下著大雨邀請對方進到屋裡為寓意,開門見山地描寫初次見面的情景。歌曲以開頭爵士搖擺樂(Swing)為起手式,輕快的開始正如一段關係的熱戀期一樣愉悅明亮;下半段變化節奏及加快曲速,變成富有速度感的 Drum and bass、搭配搖滾的電吉他,帶領著聽眾朋友們進入一段激情又黑暗的音樂旅程。

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Girl it’s raining outside
Why don’t you just come inside?
I mean, there’s nothing that you can hide
I’ve been watching you for more than a while
Girl you ran in my sight
With that insufferably arrogant vibe
I mean, I want something for you and I

I’ll wipe all your tears
More than faithfulMore than you know

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