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Wantamnam 我地希望

音樂人 香港

由主音及結他手逢一,結他手莊君皓,低音結他手Kuma 和鼓手Prokacha 組成的 我地希望,以情感色彩強烈、富張力的編曲,配合悠揚的旋律和沉穩的節拍,探索香港城市文化和生活的各種面向。

Wantamnam is a band consisting of Fengyi on vocals and guitar, Andrew Chong on guitar, Kuma on bass and Prokacha on drums. The band wishes to explore various aspects of Hong Kong's urban cultural life with its strong, emotional and tension-filled arrangements that combine soothing melodies and solid beats.

  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 Wantamnam 我地希望


由主音及結他手逢一,結他手莊君皓,低音結他手Kuma 和鼓手Prokacha 組成的 我地希望,以情感色彩強烈、富張力的編曲,配合悠揚的旋律和沉穩的節拍,探索香港城市文化和生活的各種面向。

Wantamnam is a band consisting of Fengyi on vocals and guitar, Andrew Chong on guitar, Kuma on bass and Prokacha on drums. The band wishes to explore various aspects of Hong Kong's urban cultural life with its strong, emotional and tension-filled arrangements that combine soothing melodies and solid beats.