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Midnight Confessions (Demo)
Midnight Confessions (Demo)

Midnight Confessions (Demo)

R&B / Soul

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Midnight Confessions (Demo)

Midnight Confessions (Demo)

Norton Street 諾頓街
Norton Street 諾頓街

1 月


【 水管修繕日誌 Vol.5 :諾頓街 Norton Street、銀河浣熊 】

  • 編輯推薦

  • 音樂綠洲:初來一夏MUSIC OASIS:Here Comes Summer

發布時間 2020-09-05


Midnight Confessions (2021.04.07)
詞曲:Steve 吳宇恆
編曲:Norton Street 諾頓街
鼓錄音師:Fang Chen 陳治方
混音/母帶後期:Tim 黃亭遠
主唱:Steve 吳宇恆
吉他:Tim 黃亭遠
貝斯:Jams 姜恒
鍵盤:Hogan 鄒以序
爵士鼓:John 廖仲雲


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At the age of twenty
I'm still single I just felt so alone
Something deep in my heart
And my mind is just a mess they don't know

I got thousand words in my mind
No one can realize
Dressing nice in my suit and tie
Make it nice when I suicide

Can you hear me

Alcohol made me fuck up in the metro
How could I lose myself but still control
I beg for help so I pray to Lord
Forgive me for some things that I've done before
Father told the words of redemption
I know I can never get salvation
Tears fall down with every sunset
Knees getting weak under the moonlight
Devil in the midnight I’m depressed
Wake up under daylight my regret
Thousand words in mind
No one can realize

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