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Funny Midnight Sun-Mr. Miss
Funny Midnight Sun-Mr. Miss

Funny Midnight Sun-Mr. Miss


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Funny Midnight Sun-Mr. Miss

Funny Midnight Sun-Mr. Miss


發布時間 2016-12-22


相較於杜凱直白幽默的表達方式,劉戀的表達更細膩浪漫,這種截然的區別,從劉戀的創作中便可見一斑。《Funny Midnight Sun》便是二人初識時劉戀創作的第一首作品。因為這首歌,Mr. Miss結緣,開始音樂合作歷程。為了給這首歌編曲,杜凱埋頭鑽研Bossa Nova和爵士樂。可以說,這首歌也標誌著Mr. Miss向爵士音樂世界無限探索的開始!

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Funny Midnight Sun


I see the sun in the sky of midnight
I see the snow on the field of April
I find the rain on the hot dry desert
But I never find me in your heart

Wanna be your charming sunshine
Lighting up blue in your eyes
But in the end I lost myself on the long path to your heart
I’ve been burning all myself up
Try to light up all your gloom heart
But when the day dies I find myself been already swallowed by the dark

I’ve seen it all now but I can't see you
I’ve seen the angles in the hell
Oh now I know nothing will change you
What I’ve done just makes you upset
Yes, I was only a boresome funny midnight sun

I see the sun in the sky of midnight
I see the snow on the field of April
I find the rain on the hot dry desert
But I never find me in your heart

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