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Day Life With You
Day Life With You

Day Life With You

PopMango Street Papa 芒果街老爸《Mangrow》

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Mango Street Papa 芒果街老爸

4 月


【 午夜芒果街 Before midnight at Mango street 】

  • Song of the Day

  • 編輯推薦

發布時間 2021-09-15


望向躺在懷裡的她 我思考著
雙人牙刷 兩人份的晚餐 情侶拖鞋

日升 陽光照進妳熟睡的臉龐
日落 馬路上映下我等待的身影
月光 拉長了我們相擁的時間
只要有妳 每刻都是天堂
|音樂製作 Song Credit|
詞 Lyricist:Peter Hung
曲 Composer:五塊 Five Dollars
編曲 Arranger:芒果街老爸、翁哲祥、李偉綸
製作人 Producer:周均 Leo Chou @TDP STUDIO
配唱製作人 Vocal Producer:阿蘭 AC
擊樂製作 Percussion Producer:Evan Wang(聖展)
演唱 Performer:五塊 Five Dollars
鼓 Drum:劉康弘 Kenny Liu
吉他 Guitar:五塊 Five Dollars
貝斯 Bass:陳柏宏 Brian Chen
合成器 Synth:曾國軒 lati33333
和聲 Backing Vocal:五塊 Five Dollars
錄音室 Recording Studio:追夢者娛樂整合工作室 @TDP STUDIO
錄音師 Recording Engineer:徐昕 Vivian Hsin Hsu @TDP STUDIO
混音師 Mixing Engineer:周均Leo Chou @TDP STUDIO
母帶後期製作 Mastering Producer:周均Leo Chou @TDP STUDIO
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio:追夢者娛樂整合工作室 @TDP STUDIO
藝人經紀 Artist Manager:嚴苡瑄Aalin Yen @TDP STUDIO
企劃宣傳 Marketing&Promotion:林以愛Esther Lin @TDP STUDIO

|視覺製作 Art Credit|
視覺統籌 Visual Supervisor:羅文傑WunJ.L @TDP STUDIO
封面設計 Cover Design:楊芷卉Jr-Huei Yang

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Day is long and hard
Working daily pushed me too far
Check love my registrar
Being with you is all I wanted

Love is me and you
Turn to art it's so beautiful
Got many things to do
All I want to live life with you

Everything I do is just for two
Paradise when I'm with you

Day has gone and past
Why is my heart beating so fast
Joy can't duplicate
Trying my best to concentrate

Everything I do is just for two
Paradise when I'm with you

I'm with you

I won't hesitate to see your lovely face
Can not wait to see you here at my place
Bodies touching pleasing leaving no more space
Kissing every inches from head to base

I am nothing without you

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樋口 䈎之(䆋䈎夓蜨)

The sweet mango is delicious,mangoes are often too sweet to cause tooth decay.





