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馬箏 Katrina

音樂人 台灣

🦄️ ✨ i sing cuz i believe. 因為相信,所以歌唱。


馬箏目前致力於 Contemporary Christian Music 的創作,乾淨、甜美、清新的歌聲,常帶給人療癒及安慰。在歌唱的路上,正努力發著光。

Katrina Ma, who was once nominated for the Radio Broadcasting Golden Bell Awards for Best Children’s Program Host, believes that her voice is her gift from God that should be used to make an impact. Shortly after graduating from college, she was fortunate to be discovered by The Little Prince from the band Tree of Life. She began by recording demos of Mandarin pop music and gradually experienced and learned the beauty of singing.

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馬箏 Katrina的歌曲


祢是全能真神 You Are Almighty God

祢是全能真神 You Are Almighty God

馬箏 Katrina

在我自己信仰的經歷裡,其中一個最真實的安慰與醫治是,即便我現在不明白、看不懂,我仍然選擇按著上帝的屬性來讚美祂、相信祂。而過去神是如何帶領祂的子民,如今祂仍舊信實無比! 願我們在任何光景中,都先聚焦於神,以祂的眼光看事情、看他人、看自己! [音樂製作 Music Production] 詞 Lyricist|馬箏 Katrina Ma 曲 Composer|馬箏 Katrina Ma 製作人 Producer|馬箏 Katrina Ma 演唱 Singer|馬箏 Katrina Ma 編曲 Arrangement|鄭聿 Yu Cheng 和聲 Background Vocal|陳奇恩 Samuel Chen 、湯姆 Tamu 混音 Mixing |鄭聿 Yu Cheng 視覺設計 Visual Design |蔡易珊 Elisa Tsai