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台中市・於 2013 年 11 月 加入
  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中


關於 東海土著

東海土著 aka Immanuel是一位專注在acoustic及電子音樂的自由作曲家。主要研究領城為藝術與實驗性的音樂。畢業於紐西蘭的音樂學院,主修樂器/聲樂作曲。返台居住後,東海土著開始集中在台灣地下樂,協助台灣Giguide網站攝影與撰寫音樂評論。屬於indie rock樂團龍頭的團員,曾在2014年的巨獸搖滾演出;亦身為音響/裝置藝術團體龍尾的一員,於2014年獲得了2014臺北藝術自由日的評審獎。

東海土著 is a freelance composer; writing in both acoustic and electronic domains, with a central focus on art and experimental music.

After returning to settle in Taiwan, 東海土著 has been intensively involved with the independent music scene; playing in various music projects whilst writing concert reviews and taking photographs for Gigguide TW. He is often associated with the indie rock band 龍頭; who played at the BeastieRock festival in 2014. 東海土著 also received a Judges Award at the 2014 Taipei Free Art Fair under a collaborative sound/visual art project 龍尾. In 2015 東海土著 was invited to perform in Okinawa along with Taiwanese free improvisor 劉芳一
