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老闆 Boss
老闆 Boss

老闆 Boss

Rock投錯胎 Reincarnated as a Failure

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老闆 Boss

老闆 Boss


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發布時間 2022-12-26





詞|鄭喻升 Rock Bitch
曲|火熱巨棒 Fierymace

製作人Producer|張皓棠 Dennis Chang
主唱/和聲 Vocals Backing Vocals|鄭喻升 Rock Bitch
吉他 Guitar|周家光 Kakong
吉他 Guitar|王星文 Starson
貝斯 Bass|侯林源 Dave
鼓 Drum|王 瀚 Cody
錄音室 Recording Studio|騷聲工房 Sound Factory
錄音室 Recording Studio|富貴一路 Dennis’Home studio
錄音 Reacording|張皓棠 Dennis Chang 林心拓 Taku Lin
人聲編輯Vocal Editing|張皓棠 Dennis Chang
混音師Mixing Engineer|張皓棠 Dennis Chang
母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer|張皓棠 Dennis Chang
封面設計Cover Design| 吳冠鋌 Jerry

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個人造業個人擔 莫講那麼多藉口 我嘸想欲聽
做你的代誌 看這馬幾點 莫佮恁爸五四三

予你一罐滴雞精 祝你健康為我大賺錢
喝咖啡 配B群 業績親像飛龍飛上天
予你一罐滴雞精 祝你健康為我做甲死
喝莎莎亞 配保力達 明仔載的氣力佇叨位
你若做死 我為你彈西索米
齁齁齁 爽

Oh god damn 遮爾簡單的代誌
阿彌陀佛 慈悲為懷
幹 當作我咧開慈濟
你莫太超過 做員工著愛認份
你若欲領我的錢 呷卡歹返去食家己

予你一罐滴雞精 祝你健康為我大賺錢
蛤 妳擱不滿意 我予妳錢 你擱咬我一口
你若做死 我為你彈西索米


予你一罐滴雞精 祝你健康為我大賺錢
喝咖啡 配B群 業績親像飛龍飛上天
予你一罐滴雞精 祝你健康為我做甲死
喝莎莎亞 配保力達 明仔載的氣力佇叨位
你若做死 我為你彈西索米

Everything that goes around, comes around.
I’m tired of your BS, won’t listen to it.
Do your stuff, finish your work, why won’t you stop arguing?
Everything that goes around, comes around.
I’m tired of your BS, don’t care about it.
Do your stuff, finish your work, you belong to a garbage can.

I’ll give you some BCE, so you should do my bidding.
Caffeine and vitamins are all you need.
I’ll give you some BCE, so you should do my bidding.
I saw you drinking red bull, where the fuck are your wings?
If you die from overwork, I’ll sing you a requiem.

Oh god damn, it’s just some simple work.You’re fucking around, how dare you demand overtime pay.
Amitabha. I did show some compassion, does that make you think I’m a philanthropist?
You’ve gone too far, laborers should be indefatigable.
If you want my money, STFU and suck it.

I’ll give you some chicken essence, so you should do my bidding.
Stop bitching. Just do it.
You’re still unsatisfied? I feed your family, and that's how you're gonna treat me?
Stop bitching. Just do it.
If you die from overwork, I’ll sing you a requiem.

Your grandfather give an explanation before he die

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