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MetalTreasury Of The True Dharma Eye 正法眼藏

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Dharma 達摩樂隊

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發布時間 2024-01-26



The Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Dharani also goes by the much longer name, “Dharani for Pulling Out the Fundamental Cause of Karmic Obstacles and Obtaining Rebirth in the Pure Lands.” It is an important sutra, which has two inherent purposes. Firstly, it rids one of karmic obstacles, and secondly, it facilitates one’s rebirth in the Pure Lands. As such, the mantra can benefit one not only in their subsequent lives, but in their present incarnation as well.

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Namo'mitabhaya tathagataya tadyatha om
amrtod bhave amrta siddham bhave amrta
vi-krante amrta vi-kranta
gamine gagana kirti-kari
(sarva karma klesa ksayam kare) svaha
南無阿彌多婆夜 哆他伽多夜 哆地夜他
阿彌利都婆毗 阿彌利哆 悉耽婆毗
阿彌唎哆 毗迦蘭帝 阿彌唎哆 毗迦蘭多
伽彌膩 伽伽那 枳多迦利 娑婆訶

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