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Cloudy Ku

澳洲・於 2022 年 1 月 加入
  • 音樂


  • 粉絲


  • 追蹤中



Cloudy Ku - A Room of One's Own - CBRK002

Cloudy Ku - A Room of One's Own - CBRK002

Cloudy Ku

終於可以和你分享我的新歌 A Room of One's Own,收錄在澳洲墨爾本廠牌 circuit breaker 有一點興奮因為印成了黑膠!喜歡的話到Bandcamp可以購買數位或是黑膠 ---- For our second release, circuit|breaker quips back the stacked offering of CBRK001 with another dynamic double LP, exhibiting some of the best local and international talent that’s cropped up on our radar over recent years. The label is as driven as ever to build a bridge between our community and the wider electronic music domain, giving artists a platform to …